to obtain information about desired Decorating Style will let you know why you like what you like. If you ever went furniture shopping and had difficulty expressing the salesperson what style sofa, bed, or whatever you want, the information collected in this series will help you.
In the fourth section, we will continue to look at several decorative styles that became popular in the mid 19th and the 19th the century. This five part series on interior design styles will give you a good working knowledge of the contribution offered decorating industry.
is a mid-19 century Eclectic style became običaj.Eklektik styles mid-19 century were the rivals of popular styles of previous centuries who talked about in the first three-part series. During the mid-19th century it was common to see different styles of decorating different rooms in the same house. And, it is likely that your house is today. For example, I love the 18th century furniture, because I am very traditional at heart. Traditional is my preferred style of decorating, although, as a professional interior decorator, you certainly appreciate the beauty in all styles of design. My master bedroom is decorated in traditional style, but my living room was inspired by French or French Provincial, and that is my favorite place to drink coffee on Saturday morning. However, today, which means that in the 21 century, eclectic style has come to mean show different styles of as room or space in relation to different rooms in the same house. It is perfectly fine, because the style is basically about creating a space that is uniquely yours and fits how you live.
During the late 19th century, it is still popular for use in different historical periods or styles of decorating different rooms in the same house. In the late 19th century, eclectic meant, for example, after the medieval dining room, study of Louis XV, and perhaps Roccoco salon. In the late 1860s, designers began to want to re-introduce a more simplified decorative style. They wanted to reduce the clutter of Victorian style interijera.Dva that are present in this reaction Eclectic Style Aesthetic and Arts and Crafts styles. These are movements that emerged in the fight against the cluttered look of Eclectic style. Both of these styles, aesthetics and arts and crafts, were primarily depends on the colors and patterns, rather than any particular architectural style. These styles can be applied to different types of homes due to the shell of a house or building architecture was not so important.
motifs and images on the aesthetic and arts and crafts style wallpaper, tiles and furniture from classical, medieval, Renaissance and Chinese influences, the name nekoliko.Estetski and Arts and Crafts style is identified with good craftsmanship. In 1890, Art Nouveau emerged in Europe and the UK. This is the pinnacle of popularity at the turn of the century, but by 1910 was not so popular anymore. Two new style tracks are recorded. One was based on a very elegant, elongated, linear form with tight, precise floral designs. The second was composed of wild, flowing, curvy lines of the elements characterized by spraying. So, they are really at opposite ends of the spectrum. During this time, stenciled decoration is again koristiti.Boje selected olives, sage and mustard, including browns, lilacs, violets, and muted purple. The window treatments were simple with curtains of plain or patterned fabric over the window treatments or sometimes not used at all.
In the fifth and final part of this series on design styles will briefly discuss 20th and 21 the century.
© 2010 Rena Bullard
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